Make sure you mention that elves will only be here until Christmas Eve in the Santa’s Favorite waitress ELF shirt letter. Leave a note on Santa Santa’s cookies and milk explaining why goblins need to go back to the North Pole. You can mention that it will lose its magic if it doesn’t return after Christmas. If you forget to move the goblin, make sure you give a reason why it doesn’t move. Santa’s Favorite waitress ELF sweater, hoodiessweaterMake sure you read the Elf book on the Shelf. That might help explain why the Santa’s Favorite waitress ELF shirt goblins are here if you miss something in the letter. He is so attractive! He is an elf who lives in the Elrond family, a man with a strong fire spirit. At first, he was only considered an Elf, any Elf, but Tolkien accidentally gave him a name that was used as a great Elf who killed a Balrog when the Elves and the men ran. Escape from the attack on Gondolin.